
Hi, Grade 3!
Welcome to my blog. In this blog, you will find information about the lessons we had discussed in the classroom. You will also find interactive games, photographs, podcast and other multimedia stuff. Please enjoy and have fun!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Line Graph

In Grade 3 class, there was a survey to find the most favorite fruit.
There are:
  • 9 people who like apples.
  • 6 people who like oranges.
  • 12 people who like mangos.
  • 3 people who like grapes.
  • 1 person who likes strawberries.
  • 2 people who like kiwis.
Can you make a line graph based on this data?

Writing a CV

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae.It is a personal history of one’s education, professional history and job qualifications with a strong emphasis on specific skills relating to the position being applied for. (www.eckerd.edu/cala/glossary/index.php)

During UOI lesson today, we learned to write a CV. There are 3 sections:
  • Personal History. In this section we write our name, Place & Date of Birth, Address & Telephone number, Nationality, Religion, Sex and Hobby.
  • Educational History. It is divided into 2 specific parts which are Formal Education and Non Formal Education. The Formal Education is the education we got from school and the non-formal one is the lessons we got outside the school.
  • Awards & Certificates. In this section, we write all the awards or certificates we've gained.

All grade 3 students must write their own CV and application letter to apply for the job in JPEG Radio Station.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Jesus Teaches Us How To Pray

After listening to a story about a prayer called An Answer for Jonathan, we then had a discussion about prayers. The discussion will be continued this Wednesday.

Apakah organisasi itu?

Pagi ini, kelas 3 berdiskusi tentang organisasi dan inilah hasil diskusinya.

Berdasarkan hasil diskusi di atas, bisakah kalian menyimpulkan definisi dari organisasi itu apa? Ketiklah definisi kalian di dalam blog kalian masing-masing. Setelah itu carilah definisi organisasi di kamus (cetak atau online) dan taruhlah juga di dalam blog kalian.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Metric Conversion Game

Click on the picture below to play the game.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pictograph and Pie Graph

There are 24 students in Grade 5. Among them:
4 students like to eat ice creams.
6 students like to eat pizzas.
8 students like to eat cheeseburgers.
3 students like to eat chocolate cakes.
3 students like to eat rice.
Now, based on the data above, can you make a pictograph and a pie graph?

You can make a pictograph using Excel. Visit here and find how to do it!

Here is a sample of a pictograph:

Click here to show you how to create a pie graph.
Below is a sample of a pie graph.