
Hi, Grade 3!
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Writing a CV

CV stands for Curriculum Vitae.It is a personal history of one’s education, professional history and job qualifications with a strong emphasis on specific skills relating to the position being applied for. (www.eckerd.edu/cala/glossary/index.php)

During UOI lesson today, we learned to write a CV. There are 3 sections:
  • Personal History. In this section we write our name, Place & Date of Birth, Address & Telephone number, Nationality, Religion, Sex and Hobby.
  • Educational History. It is divided into 2 specific parts which are Formal Education and Non Formal Education. The Formal Education is the education we got from school and the non-formal one is the lessons we got outside the school.
  • Awards & Certificates. In this section, we write all the awards or certificates we've gained.

All grade 3 students must write their own CV and application letter to apply for the job in JPEG Radio Station.

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